Excursion to Central Chios
Valid for the whole year
Route: Nea Moni-Anavatos-Avgonima-Kambos

Time & Location
Valid for the whole year
Chios, Chios 821 00, Greece
About the event
We travel to the center of the island and meet the monastery New Monastery, which is considered the most important Byzantine monument of the island and is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Nea Moni was founded in the 11th century and occupies a special place thanks to its art and its direct relationship with Constantinople and the Imperial Court. According to the monastic tradition, the emperor Constantine the Great financed the construction of the Monastery after the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary was found by the three Chios monks, Nikitas, John and Joseph, at the present location of the monastery. For many centuries, it was the religious and economic center of Chios, since it was respected by both the Genoese and the Turks. The decline begins in the 19th century with financial difficulties at first and the disaster of 1822 later.
The mosaics of the New Monastery are ranked among the most important creations of Byzantine art, thanks to their exceptional quality and the fact that they are the work of artists who were associated with the largest workshops in Constantinople. From the original complex of the 11th century, today the Catholicos, the cistern (tank), the tower, part of the Bank and the church of Agios Luke are preserved in the cemetery of the monastery, outside the wall.
Not far from the monastery is the village Anavatos, a medieval village, which is often called "the Mystras of the Aegean". The village is built on a rocky hill with steep slopes, perpendicular to the south and west and a unique access to the north. The physical fortification and location suggest that it was originally built for defensive purposes to control the western coasts at the time when pirates ravaged the Aegean. Today, the settlement has no more than 10 inhabitants. Its houses (narrow-fronted, always with a floor, made of gray mud brick and with a wooden horizontal roof) are still preserved and give the image of a dead state.
Passing through the village, Avgonima, a medieval village in the heart of Chios and at a distance of 16 km. from the city of Chios on a route that will enchant you. The village is built at a height of about 500 meters. It was founded and inhabited by the workers of Nea Moni in the 11th century AD. It is included in the Medieval villages of the island with their peculiar fortress architectural style. The houses are built of stone and with small windows which were used to protect against pirate raids during the Middle Ages. Even today they preserve the architecture of the past. The village overlooks the pine forest as well as the endless blue of the Aegean. Most of the houses have been restored and are inhabited by the few remaining permanent residents of the village, but also by several lovers of peace and the idyllic landscape, who enjoy their holidays.
Our last stop is his area Kampos, which is protected by the Greek Ministry of Culture, as a historical site and traditional settlement. The entire area is covered with fruit trees, flowers and traditional stone mansions protected by high stone walls creating a landscape of incredible beauty. During the 14th century the area was chosen by the Genoese first as well as many Chiot aristocratic families in the following centuries to build their villas and most of these buildings remain in excellent condition to this day. The "Citrus”, museum and cafe, is located in the area, giving visitors the opportunity to admire the beauty of such a space from the inside. The museum section is housed in the original, restored mansion and the cafe also includes a shop with handmade sweets and products, giving you the chance to take home some unique memories full of taste and smell.
Back to town.
Starting Points:
Our excursion starts from our office, 12 Aegean Avenue. There is the possibility of pick-up from the hotels, after consultation.